Modern robotic algorithms and systems frequently lack the robustness required to operate reliably in unknown environments. Visual systems cannot always perform reliably in unstructured environments such as forests due to highly repetitive patterns or occlusion. The... read more
Clearpath’s excitement about robots and growth in the industry hasn’t changed since our beginning in 2009. Our passion has translated into early and continued success; unfortunately other Canadian companies in the industry haven’t mirrored this upward trend. Of... read more
Within three years of the company’s incorporation, Ontario, Canada-based Clearpath Robotics has racked up sales for its unmanned vehicles across North America, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and Australia. While that achievement is remarkable, it came as no... read more
Clearpath can attribute its early and continued success to being client-focused, open to feedback, and the inherent “cool factor” of robotics. From the get-go, we’ve recognized the important concept of getting your first paying customer – this is a... read more
Ryan Gariepy, CTO and Co-founder of Clearpath Robotics will be presenting at the annual Robobusiness Leadership Summit, an event that calls “the premier business development event for the global robotics industry. The event’s program is designed to... read more
Clearpath Robotics is attending AUVSI 2012 and we hope to see you all there! Why attend? “AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America is the premier forum for reviewing, assessing and discussing the current state of the unmanned systems market. The event brings together... read more
When Lee Rannals of visited the 2012 International Conference on Robotics and Innovation (ICRA) earlier this year, he did what any savvy shopper would do – started a Christmas wishlist. And what was at the top? The Husky A200, of course. Not... read more
Clearpath Robotics recently attended ICRA 2012 in St. Paul, Minnesota and had a blast! Clearpath held a live demonstration of our Husky A200 and its autonomous ‘follow-me mode’, which displayed the Husky’s capability to lock onto a specific target and follow that... read more
At Clearpath Robotics we love space almost as much as robots, which is why we’ve offered sponsorship to teams participating in the annual NASA Sample Return Robot Challenge in Worcester, MA. With a $1.5 million purse on the line, there’s no room for mistakes. The... read more