by Meghan Hennessey | Feb 20, 2014 | Press Release, Robot Forge |
Clearpath Integrates Thalmic Labs’ Myo Alpha Unit with Autonomous Robot (Kitchener, ON, Canada – February 20, 2014) Kitchener based companies and University of Waterloo startups, Thalmic Labs and Clearpath Robotics have joined forces to prove gesture controlled robots...
by Ryan Gariepy | Feb 20, 2014 | Robot Forge |
Ever since we loaned Thalmic Labs our first Grizzly prototype to make some early demos for their launch video, we’ve been eagerly following their progress. There’s obviously a lot of interesting applications for using the Myo for robot control, and our...
by Meghan Hennessey | Jan 22, 2014 | In the Field: Customer Spotlight |
Clearpath robots automate dull, dirty and dangerous jobs, and University of Coimbra is using Husky with no exception to this vision. The team is researching and developing new methods for autonomous landmine clearance and we were thrilled to present them with the...
by Dylan Drover | Nov 26, 2013 | Teaching and Learning |
NOTE: As of May 2016, this tutorial is out-of-date. Click here to view an up-to-date version of this tutorial. All our ROS, PR2 and Clearpath Robot tutorials are available on our Knowledge Base. Before getting started, we recommend to either complete or review the...
by Mike Purvis | Oct 15, 2013 | Teaching and Learning |
The beginnings of the ROS packages for Husky were created almost three years ago. The first debs were released in August 2011, for ROS Electric. Since then, we’ve released debs into Fuerte and Groovy, and we’ve shipped many, many Husky units out to...