Located within Turin’s old defensive walls, the Pietro Micca Museum holds great historical significance for the city. It is a commemoration of the pivotal Siege of Turin in 1706. Today, visitors are offered a captivating journey through the museum to explore a vast... read more
Are you going to iROS 2017? We’ll be there and in no small way! To kick things off we are a Silver sponsor at the conference and aren’t stopping there. Clearpath is thrilled to announce that we are presenting The Science Gap Lecture by Jorge Cham! This... read more
The need for fast, accurate 3D mapping solutions has quickly become a reality for many industries wanting to adopt new technologies in AI and automation. New applications requiring these 3D mapping platforms include surveillance, mining, automated measurement &... read more
One of the questions we get asked the most by clients is what the differences are between different vision sensors. There are tried and true cameras like the options from Point Grey (Flea3 and Bumblebee) which have been long-time favourites of R&D groups for... read more
Not every artificial intelligence venture is a startup. In fact, there’s a sizeable community of established entrepreneurs that are well ahead of the AI game: Waterloo, Ont. It’s home to a burgeoning population of robotics/AI companies, many of which have... read more
Arguably the biggest tech buzz-word of the past couple years has been self-driving, and the way the market is ramping up, that trend isn’t going to subside for quite some time – if ever. From research across electrical and mechanical engineering, computer science and... read more
Sriram Narasimhan’s research team is shaking things up in the Civil Engineering Structures Lab at the University of Waterloo. The research, which is led by Ph.D Candidate Kevin Goorts, is developing a new mobile damping system for suppressing unwanted vibrations in... read more
A proud Clearpath tradition Clearpath HQ is always ablaze with a certain level of buzz, but no day seems to have more excitement in it than Hack Day. For our most recent Hack Day, teams were given 8 hours (1 work day) of dedicated time to plan and execute their... read more
The International Ground Vehicle Ground Competition (IGVC) is an annual event that brings together teams of college students from all over the globe to compete in an autonomous ground vehicle competition. Teams are tasked to design and construct a fully autonomous... read more