Landmine detection, also known as demining, is the critical process of identifying and locating landmines that are buried deep in the ground. Landmines are frequently deployed in conflict regions, posing a significant threat to both civilian and military personnel as... read more
Clearpath to offer ROS supported variants of the popular collaborative manipulators Kitchener, ON, Canada – Jul. 30, 2018 – Clearpath Robotics, a global provider of mobile robots for research and development, is now a Universal Robots Certified System Integrator... read more
The team of researchers from the U.S Army, Research, Development and Engineering Command Research Laboratory and the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University have created a new technique that teaches robots, “Novel traversal behaviors with minimal human... read more
This project originated in the Robotics Research Centre of Nanyang Technology University (NTU) located in Singapore. Both faculty members and PhD students are involved with many aspects of robotics in areas of healthcare, environment and construction. With increased... read more
For outdoor robotics, one of the key capabilities for autonomous use-cases is GPS Waypoint Navigation. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, GPS Waypoint Navigation is the ability to provide a robot with a set of GPS waypoints (i.e., a set of latitude / longitude... read more
One of the most common things to do with a new robot is enable autonomy, or at least get started on it with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). For years, the easiest way to do this in ROS has been to utilize the open source Gmapping package, a ROS wrapper... read more
A team from the University of Manchester Robotics group have created the CARMA 2, a Jackal-based robot that showcases the ability to map a radiation environment in ROS. This semi-autonomous robot contains a live GUI of the SLAM mapping and path plans. If radiation... read more
The Other Black and Yellow Plant Pollinator When you picture the black and yellow creatures that pollinate plants, you probably don’t think of a Husky do you? But that’s exactly what the team from West Virginia University is using for their current project – a... read more
Any quick search online for computing platforms for artificial intelligence or machine learning, and especially embedded modules, will lead you directly to the Jetson line from NVIDIA. Described as “AI supercomputers the size of a credit card,” these modules are the... read more