by Ilia Baranov | May 14, 2015 | Robot Forge |
A couple challenges with robotics is that robots are expensive and they usually depend on batteries. What if you want to run an experiment with 100 robots, running for 10 hours? To help answer this question, ROS has built in support for robot simulation in the form of...
by Martin Cote | Dec 11, 2014 | Teaching and Learning |
We previously learned how to write a publisher node to move Husky randomly. BUT! What good is publishing all these messages if no one is there to read it? In this tutorial we’ll write a subscriber that reads Husky’s position from the odom topic, and graph...
by Manny Ojigbo | Jan 15, 2014 | Robot Forge |
We’re excited to announce that the one and only PR2 will be joining our botastic family here at Clearpath – what an honor! Willow Garage revolutionized mobile manipulation along with the Robot Operating System (ROS), when they released PR2 back in 2010. Now, as the...