Test drive a Jackal Today!

Whether you have a Jackal UGV or not, the Jackal simulator is a great way to get started with ROS robot development. In this tutorial, we will go through the basics of starting Gazebo and Rviz and how to drive your Jackal around. If you are new to ROS, it’s... read more

UW’s Grad Research Takes (Autonomous) Flight!

The University of Waterloo is one of Canada’s most prestigious universities! It’s where ideas come to life, innovation is in the air you breathe and …whoa did we just go on a tangent again? Oops, well Clearpath was started at UW, so maybe we’ve got a bit of a bias.... read more

Building a Robotics Company

As we’ve made more of a name for ourselves within various startup communities,we’re commonly asked how we moved from our beginnings with little resources and no connections to a worldwide concern in robotics, especially with the field exploding as it has. In truth,... read more

ROS 101: Creating a Publisher Node

In our previous post, we graduated from driving a Husky, to taking on a Grizzly! Now it’s time to get down and dirty with what ROS is really made of, nodes! We will first be creating a workspace to work from, then we will write a simple publisher that will make... read more

Introducing our Newest Robot: Jackal

We’ve been keeping a huge secret and now we’re ready to share it… Earlier this year, Army Research Labs (ARL) contracted us to design an affordable, portable research platform for outdoor use. Working with them during the development phase, their team provided... read more

From Books to Bots: 2014 Summer Term Coop

The summer has been a busy one! The company grew from 45 to 55 full-time employees, we moved into a brand new office space, we introduced custom robotic solutions to our offering and we officially tapped the keg in our kitchen. Our coop students had a blast and we... read more

Clearpath’s Robot Ribbon Cutting

On Thursday, June 26th, we celebrated our new robot badlands (aka: our brand new headquarters) with a grand opening, accompanied of course by a robot ribbon-cutting. Clearpath co-founders made their way to the stage and gathered around ‘Jake’, the PR2.... read more