Back in July, we announced that we created three new simulation environments for the Gazebo 3D robotics simulator to test our fleet of indoor and outdoor mobile robotic platforms, including Jackal UGV, Husky UGV, Warthog UGV, Ridgeback, Moose UGV, Heron USV, Dingo or Boxer.

But we wanted to make the setup process of your Gazebo robot simulations even easier. With the click of a button, you can now launch your simulation in the cloud using AWS Robomaker. By adding the functionality of the Launch Stack button, you can quickly launch a robot simulation using the new environments we have developed. The navigation process for a user has been significantly simplified:

  1. Visit the repository page to pick an environment and robot.
  2. Under the simulation README, navigate to the Launch Stack icon. 
  3. Login to your AWS account to start up all of the cloud infrastructure to run the selected simulation

Cloud functionality takes a lot of the stress off of your local computer as you can run several simulations simultaneously without them slowing each other down. For those of you new to cloud simulations, this is also a simple and quick way to try it out. An example of such an application would be continuous integration where you are looking to verify code in a simulated environment before code is merged. Therefore with AWS Robomaker Simulations, you could run various simulations in parallel to gather training data for teaching neural networks, as well as reduce development time and upfront cost by not needing to maintain computers for simulation.

Need help setting up your own simulation with the robot you want? View our Github documentation.

If you are looking for more information to get started in ROS, check out our extensive knowledge base and ROS tutorials.

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