Clearpath’s excitement about robots and growth in the industry hasn’t changed since our beginning in 2009. Our passion has translated into early and continued success; unfortunately other Canadian companies in the industry haven’t mirrored this upward trend.

Of the six main areas of focus in robotics (space exploration, manufacturing, surgery, personal service, research, and law enforcement or military defense), Canada is particularly behind on a global scale in manufacturing and personal service. The robotics industry is skyrocketing, so it’s difficult to pinpoint why exactly Canada is lagging.

University of Toronto professor of robotics Andrew Goldenberg suggests that “in general, the government is providing whatever funds they can” for robotics, and points to problems with robotics being absorbed by the market. Or perhaps, Professor Gregory Dudek the director of computer science at McGill University has it right, indicating the problem may lie in the framework of the market. He suggests that a nationally collaborative approach to robotics initiatives, much like the approach taken in the U.S. and Europe may be Canada’s answer.

Clearpath doesn’t have the answer to increasing Canada’s global presence in the robotics industry. We do, however, have more than 350 global customers and a dedication to the customization of our products – a commitment CEO and co-founder Matt Rendall recognizes as contributing to our competitive advantage in the market.

For now, we’re going to keep doing what we do best, make robots! Check out more about the Canadian Robotics industry here.



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