Happy Birthday Clearpath!! We are officially 5 years old and what better way to celebrate than let all of our fans drive a robot. No matter where you are in the world, you can experience what it’s like to drive Husky – well, a very mini, hacked-together Husky that is. We’ve put together ‘twit-bot’ for your enjoyment so you can move our bot around all from the convenience of your smartphone using Twitter.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Mention Clearpath’s Twitter handle (@ClearpathRobots)
Step 2: Hash tag #MoveRobot
Step 3: Write the action you’d like it to take (examples are below)
Step 4: Watch it move on the live feed: http://www.twitch.tv/twitbot_cpr
Step 5: Share with your friends!

How does it move?

This little twit-bot can go just about anywhere and in any direction using the commands below (case insensitive).  The delay between the tweet and the streaming is about 30 seconds:

  • “forward”
  • “backward”
  • “right”
  • “left”

You can also tweet colors to change the colors of the LED lights: blue, red, white, etc.


@clearpathrobots  go forward!

@clearpathrobots #moverobot red

Of course, there are some hidden key words – easter eggs – in there too that you’ll just have to figure out on your own. I wonder if pop-a-wheelie is on the list?…