Clearpath Robotics attended the very first ROSCon developer conference, held in St. Paul, Minnesota.  ROSCon is a chance for ROS developers of all levels, beginner to expert, to spend an extraordinary weekend learning from, and networking with, the ROS community.

As a founding member of ROSCon, Clearpath Robotics recognized the need for ROS enthusiasts to have the opportunity to gather as a community and learn from one another and thus, ROSCon was born.

Clearpath Robotics brought along two Husky A200s, both of which were running ROS, for attending developers to experiment with.  Some people had a bit too much fun with the Husky’s rugged, weight-bearing capabilities:

Also, Clearpath Robotics and Willow Garage unveiled the highly-anticipated TurtleBot 2.0. Hobbyists and researchers alike rejoiced at the newer, more stylish and more powerful robot with the ability to fulfill their wildest developing dreams.

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