Over the next few months we’ll be hiring …a lot! Since almost all of our departments are recruiting, we wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to be a ‘Clearpathian’. Here’s what our Business Development Manager, Adam, had to say about technical sales at …

A Day in the Life of Technical Sales


Adam is able to  meet customers and leading robotics researchers from diverse fields

We sat down with Adam to learn what a day in the life looks like. With primary responsibilities including managing sales pipelines and liaising with customers to build strategic relationships, Adam’s on the phone, Skype and Beam with customers and corporate partners throughout the day. He checks in with teams to learn how their projects are progressing, how exactly they’re using Clearpath products and how we can help them move things along quickly and cost effectively. From time to time, Adam also visits some of our leading edge customers, so he’s had the opportunity to travel to many corners of the world. As you might imagine, being on the front end of Clearpath, Adam has visibility into the robotics industry and is able to identify new business opportunities for the Company.

Adam crossed paths with Clearpath – no pun intended – before he was even looking for employment. While a student in the Master of Business Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program at the University of Waterloo, he partnered up with Clearpath for a practicum project; it wasn’t long after his graduation that we swiped him up to join our team permanently! “My passion for technology and my interest in building businesses made for a unique fit within Clearpath – that, and the fact that I think robots are really cool! It’s exciting how they’re expanding into new industries and being used for a variety of applications,” says Adam.

Making an impact


Here’s Adam with exclusive access to NASA’s robot at DRC 2013

At Clearpath, the opportunity to make an impact in the workplace is always present – we’ve grown quickly and we’re not slowing down any time soon! “When I started at Clearpath, there were six employees, now we have over forty!” said Adam. Our growth has happened organically, with much tribute to the sales team as a whole – it’s easy to see how Adam and the rest of the technical sales team continue to play an important role here at Clearpath.

Adam’s experience at Clearpath has given him a greater understanding of commercializing products and getting them ready for the market. He’s also gained more knowledge of himself and his colleagues.

“Throughout my time here, I’ve grown a lot professionally and learned from the people I work with. We’re a really integrated group at Clearpath and everyone has a common purpose. I think that resonates in every interaction you have with people here as well,” said Adam. “I also feel positive knowing that everything I do here matters to the Company,” he added.

Ingredients for success


Hanging out at IROS with some key players in the robotics industry

What’s Adam’s insight for a rewarding career in technical sales and business development? “Always have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Be creative with your work and show that it means something to you.” He also believes that having a balanced combination of drive, creativity and passion for technology are characteristics that are vital for success/growth. “Every day brings something new at Clearpath, and it’s this dynamic environment that keeps me on my toes and having fun!”

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Behind the Scenes: See what our Autonomy Engineers are up to!

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