What is open source software? What are some the advantages and disadvantages? Can every robot use ROS (Robot Operating System)? These are just a few of the questions discussed in last month’s Robots and Open Source Operating Software webinar, hosted by Robotic Industries Association. Our own Ilia Baranov, Senior Electrical Engineer and Engineering Manager and Shaun Edwards from Southwest Research Institute were panel experts for the webinar. Together they explored the world of open source software and its role in robotics, while addressing these key questions:

  • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of open source software?
  • What is corporate America’s concerns with open source? Safety?
  • Can every robot use ROS, what are the impediments?
  • What could open source mean to industrial robotics?
  • What about open source and the profit motive in software?
  • Who saves $$ on ROS from the big picture perspective?
  • The Internet of Things and ROS/ROSi and Security?
  • What does the future look like?

Click here to watch a full recording of the webinar and learn more about open source operating software and how it’s driving the field of robotics.


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