This week, our “Behind the Scenes” blog series features Jeff, the Systems Integration Technician at Clearpath Robotics. We’re jumping in to learn what Jeff says about working at Clearpath and how he became known as “Jack of all robots.” Oh, and in case you missed our last post on autonomy engineering, you can see it here.

From the beginning


Jeff is all hands on deck!

Jeff has always been fascinated by building things – from Lego as a kid, to electronics growing up. And, he’s gotten pretty good at it! That’s why we called him “Jack of all robots”. Every day, Jeff works hands-on with leading edge robotics technology in the production department, building customer bots and running integration tests.

While much of his work is focused on mechanical construction, electrical assembly, and payload integration of robot platforms, Jeff also works with the engineering department to integrate our technology into custom products for customers. “I really enjoy working in both departments!
A lot of the skills I have are transferable between the two departments, so I can always help out with another project. I never get stuck doing the same thing for too long,” explained Jeff.

Making an impact

Jeff_behind Scenes

Jeff working in the test space

Our workshop is filled with the latest gadgets in robotics technology and Jeff usually gets first dibs at playing with it …or uh… fixing it after we’ve had some fun with it. Technical challenges are always present and that’s what often makes his day fun and interesting, it also gives him the opportunity to enhance his knowledge of software and design programs like CAD (Computer Aided Design). “Things are always changing in the industry, that’s why it’s important to refine your skill set and learn new things at every opportunity,” said Jeff. Working at Clearpath allows Jeff to push the boundaries of creativity – “I get to be around incredible people who all share the same passion for robots as I do,” says Jeff.

Ingredients for success

What’s Jeff’s insight for a rewarding career as a Systems Integration Technician? “You need to be a dreamer. You should have the ability to think outside of the box and bring fresh ideas to projects and small tasks.”

In terms of having a career in the robotics industry, Jeff says “Do whatever you can to make an impression and stand out. It’s not enough to submit a résumé and cover letter. You need to present things you’ve done by your initiative and present them compellingly.” …This comes from the guy who walked in with cupcakes, a home-made laser guitar and a resume in hand. How could we say no?!


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