OutdoorNav Software User Manual¶
OutdoorNav Software User Manual¶
Safety Notices
Getting Started
- Getting Started
- First Time Use Checklist
- Hardware Setup
- Software Setup
- ☐ Is ROS running on the UGV?
- ☐ Is the OutdoorNAV software running?
- ☐ Is the computer using the UI connected to the Base Station network?
- ☐ Have you surveyed the Base Station?
- ☐ Do you have a strong GPS signal?
- ☐ Is the map loading correctly?
- ☐ Has the Datum been set?
- ☐ If docking is enabled has the location been set?
- ☐ Is the Navbar status icon functioning?
- Using the UI
- ☐ Can the virtual joystick drive the UGV?
- ☐ Can you create a new mission?
- ☐ After creating a new mission, can you execute the mission?
- ☐ Are the camera’s (if present) active in the view bar section when running the mission?
- ☐ Can you select a camera and save an image after it loads on the main screen?
Web User Interface
Application Programming Interface
- API Overview
- API Endpoints
- Platform API
- Topics Published by UGV
- tf
- tf_static
- platform/cmd_vel
- platform/description
- platform/diagnostics_agg
- platform/emergency_stop
- platform/id
- platform/joint_states
- platform/odom
- platform/odom_filtered
- sensors/imu/[0,1,…]/data
- sensors/imu/[0,1,…]/magnetic_field
- sensors/<type>/[0,1,…]/fix
- sensors/<type>/[0,1,…]/heading
- sensors/<type>/[0,1,…]/pointcloud
- sensors/<type>/[0,1,…]/scan
- sensors/<type>/[0,1,…]/camera_info
- sensors/<type>/[0,1,…]/image_raw
- sensors/<type>/[0,1,…]/depth_image_raw
- onboard_systems/wireless/connection (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- onboard_systems/bms/[0,1,…]/state (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- Topics Subscribed to by UGV
- Topics Published by UGV
- Autonomy API
- Topics Published by Autonomy
- control_selection/control_state
- control_selection/current_mode
- localization/odom
- localization/status (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- mission/feedback
- mission/result
- navigation/current_goal_info
- navigation/distance_to_goal
- navigation/footprint
- navigation/local_costmap
- navigation/local_plan
- navigation/motion_state (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- navigation/odom_intent (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- navigation/path
- navigation/progress (BETA)
- navigation/safety_footprints
- navigation/scan_points
- navigation/state (BETA)
- navigation/track_error
- navigation/cmd_vel
- safety/safety_stop
- safety/watchdog_status (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- Topics Subscribed to by Autonomy
- Services Exported by Autonomy
- control_selection/set_mode
- control_selection/autonomy_pause
- control_selection/autonomy_resume
- localization/set_datum
- localization/set_pose (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- navigation/set_collision_avoidance
- navigation/set_continuous_planner
- navigation/set_path_smoother
- navigation/set_path shifter
- navigation/set_stop_distance (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- navigation/set_delay_compensation (IN DEVELOPMENT)
- Actions Exported by Autonomy
- Topics Published by Autonomy
- Definitions
- Message Definitions
- cpr_control_msgs/ControlMode
- cpr_control_msgs/ControlSelectionState
- cpr_control_msgs/ControlState
- cpr_localization_msgs/LocalizationStatus
- cpr_localization_msgs/GPSStatus
- cpr_navigation_msgs/Mission
- cpr_navigation_msgs/CurrentGoalInfo
- cpr_navigation_msgs/DistanceToGoal
- cpr_navigation_msgs/MotionState
- cpr_navigation_msgs/NavigationState
- cpr_navigation_msgs/OdomIntent
- cpr_navigation_msgs/PointVector
- cpr_navigation_msgs/Progress (BETA)
- cpr_navigation_msgs/ScanPoints
- cpr_navigation_msgs/Task
- cpr_navigation_msgs/TrackError
- cpr_navigation_msgs/Vector2D
- cpr_navigation_msgs/Waypoints
- cpr_onboard_systems_msgs/WirelessConnection
- cpr_platform_msgs/PlatformID
- cpr_safety_msgs/WatchdogStatus
- Standard ROS Messages
- Service Definitions
- Action Definitions
- Message Definitions
- Platform API
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us
Appendix A: UGV Integration
Appendix B: CPR Hardware