Husky was built for mobile manipulation

Autonomous outdoor mobile manipulator

  • Medium-sized robotic development platform
  • Large payload capacity (165 lbs)
  • Rugged construction and high-torque drivetrain for outdoors

Integrate the perfect autonomous mobility platform.

Husky UGV autonomous mobile manipulation robot

Compatible Manipulators

Our integration experts will configure a mobile manipulation system that fits the needs of your research. Here are just a few of the accessories we work with:

UR5 robotic arm manipulator


Universal Robots

Kinova robotic manipulation arm



Robotiq robotic gripper manipulation

3 Fingered Gripper


Robotiq gripper integration

2 Fingered Gripper


Used by Research Leaders

University of Chile

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

US Army Research Lab

US Army Research Lab

Queens University

Queens University

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