Heron's Lights =============== Heron's port and starboard hulls are equipped with red and green navigation lights. Under normal, autonomous operation these lights will be solid. These lights will flash to indicate certain high-priority states, such as a low-battery warning or a failure to communicate with the Heron's base-station wireless network. The table below shows animations of the LED patterns and their meanings. .. |lights_low_battery| image:: images/lights/low_battery.gif :width: 50px :height: 100px .. |lights_manual| image:: images/lights/manual.gif :width: 50px :height: 100px .. |lights_no_cmd| image:: images/lights/no_cmd.gif :width: 50px :height: 100px .. |lights_no_pc| image:: images/lights/no_computer.gif :width: 50px :height: 100px .. |lights_off| image:: images/lights/no_lights.gif :width: 50px :height: 100px .. |lights_no_wifi| image:: images/lights/no_wifi.gif :width: 50px :height: 100px .. |lights_ok| image:: images/lights/ok.gif :width: 50px :height: 100px +-----------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Light Pattern | Description | Meaning | +=======================+===================+========================================================================+ | |lights_ok| | Solid on | Robot is operating normally | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |lights_off| | Solid off | Robot is powered-off, or operating normally with the lights turned off | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |lights_low_battery| | Fast double blink | Battery is low. Return to shore immediately to recharge | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |lights_manual| | Fast single blink | Robot is being driven manually via the remote control | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |lights_no_cmd| | Slow single blink | Robot is idle, awaiting commands | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |lights_no_pc| | Slow triple blink | Failure to establish communication between the PC and MCU | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |lights_no_wifi| | Slow double blink | Failure to communicate with the base-station, or no wireless network | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ During normal operation the lights can be turned-off by publishing to the ``disable_lights`` topic. This will suppress the lights during normal operation.